Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lucille Ball

Lucille Ball by Alan Light
Lucille Ball, a photo by Alan Light on Flickr.

photo by Alan Light

~~ ONe of my very favorite actresses. Seeing this photo gives me goosebumps. She was a marvelous comedian.


Via Flickr:
Lucille Ball on the red carpet at the 61st Annual Academy Awards, 1989.

Photo taken at 61st Academy Awards 3/29/89 at Lucy's last public appearance. She died less than a month later on 4/26/89. At the time I took these photos of her I wanted to say hello, but she was already being approached by several other people and looked confused, so I stayed back. I didn't want to add to her disorientation.

One of the coolest things about this day was, as I was putting on my tux at the hotel getting ready to go to this show, an old black and white I LOVE LUCY episode was playing on the TV. I knew Lucy was scheduled to be at the show and I looked forward to seeing her in person. It was a bit surreal.

- Permission granted to copy, publish or post but please credit "photo by Alan Light" if you can.

High resolution scan of the original 35MM film negative - 256 pixels/inch.

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